Two easy steps turn Galaxy Nexus into a tablet
Two easy steps turn Galaxy Nexus into a tablet
Galaxy Nexus comes with a 4.65″ high-definition Super AMOLED display with 720 pixel high resolution screen; we really need to take full advantage of it. However it looks just like another cell phone by default. Here we will with the help of two free apps convert it into a small tablet and control it using mouse and keyboards. Here’s how.We first download the free app LCD Density Modde from Android Market and open it and set the resolution. Once it runs, you can see that the default resolution is 320dpi, we here change it to 240 or 241dpi; however some widgets may look deformed under 240dpi. You should always try other numbers and find out the one works best for you! In my case, I set it at 210dpi and I could operate it flawlessly. Now reboot your phone and you will notice the difference, a lot more room!
Please note Apex Launcher will not be installed as system apps, you need to manually move its files from data/app to system/app