Getting rid of Android Adhoc WiFi patch
Getting rid of Android Adhoc WiFi patch
If you are an Android enthusiast like me, you probably find that your Android phone could no longer connect to your Adhoc WiFi network again after upgrading to Ice Cream Sandwich4.0.3. Well this is kind of weird since my Symbian phone could connect to the WiFi network without a problem, so I take it as granted and never think it’s necessary to buy a wireless router.Anyways, I copied the patch wpa_supplicant to the folder system\bin again (always remember to back up the original file first), however my phone just could not find the SSID which my Symbian phone is connected to however hard I try. It seems now this patch simply does not work anymore.
This really pisses me off as my android phone turns useless without WiFi connectivity. I do have 3G data plan; however with merely 0.5G data I could do nothing. I generally stream music and movie now and then, I also check my Email inbox, check my friends’ Facebook activities and other stuff from my mobile phone. So my data plan is hardly enough.
So I decide to dig this a little bit deeper and finally I find a solution which will let you get rid of the ridiculous patch. Since Android does not provide support for Adhoc network, we will have to setup a soft or virtual AP (access point).
To start with, you need Windows 7 operating system (both home and flagship version will do) or Windows Server 2008 R2. If you are still with Windows XP and have no plan to buy a wireless router, dump your old XP and upgrade to Windows 7. You also need a wireless router which supports Hosted Network with Windows 7 certified driver. If you are not sure, navigate to your Network Connections window, if you see something like Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter, then your wireless adaptor should be OK.
Now we will do the command work Click on the start icon on the bottom-left corner, type cmd and hit enter, type “netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=YourNetworkName key=YourNetworkPassword” (without quotes) once the Command Prompt window appears and hit enter.
This command should setup a WiFi network like any other real networks. Please note this virtual AP uses WPA2-PSK encryption and is quite safe until you reveal the password to anyone who should not be trusted.
Now we need to start the WiFi network we create, enter netsh wlan start hostednetwork and hit enter. To stop it type netsh wlan stop hostednetwork.
Now your Android phone should be able to find your newly created AP, just type the password and enjoy the free internet access.