Connect laptop to the Internet using Internet tethering
Connect laptop to the Internet using Internet tethering
Long ago, we rely on cables heavily to connect our laptop to the Internet for web browsing, Email sending and receiving, chatting and shopping online. Later we have wireless technology to get rid of the wires. If you have a wireless router, you can connect your PC without wires which makes our room quite clean.But there’s always more options. With the development of new technology, you do not need a wireless router to browse the internet from your laptop. If you have a Smartphone with a data plan, you can use it as a modem to gain Internet access on your notebook and it’s called mobile tethering.
At the moment, there are a few ways for your handset to function as a modem, and they are USB tethering, Wi-Fi tethering and Bluetooth tethering. If you have a Wi-Fi, Bluetooth enabled iPhone, Android or Windows Phone 7 Smartphone, you can choose anyone of them and the settings are more or less the same. However always keep in mind you need a data plan and possibly you will get charged for it.
USB tethering
Now you need to Android Tethering app on your phone, search tether on Android market if you do not have it. Change the port to 6544 after finishing installing it and start the service. Now everything’s completed and you can start to browse the Internet from your laptop.
WiFi tethering
Bluetooth tethering
If you have iPhone 4.3, you can choose Bluetooth tethering in personal hotspot setting.
Although you can use your mobile device as a mode, but there’s still a few things you should know. If you do not have 3G access on your handset, give up on it. Meantime, it drains your mobile battery quickly, so you need a replacement battery. Finally, you may get charged for Internet tethering, always contact your carrier, otherwise you will be mad at your phone bill.