Effective Tips to Use Keywords for the Best Results of SEO
While including keywords in the content of your site as a part of SEO
process, you need to be very careful to avoid spam techniques because
such tactics may prove detrimental to your site. It may lower your
rankings. Inappropriate use of appropriate keywords in the Title tag,
Meta tags, anchor text, headings, alt text, or within the content of
your webpages is likely to harm your search engines ranking. Try to
adopt the following rules while making use of keywords in your site.
Never Be Content upon A Few Keywords
The web users never use the same phrase when they try to get
information about any product or service. For this reason you cannot be
content upon a few key phrases. Keep trying to target different keywords
by tracking statistics of all your web pages. Then focus a group of
different keywords because targeting a larger number of different
keywords means to increase the number of visitors to your site.
Correlate the Use of Keywords with the Quality of Your Site
The quality of your site is the thing to be focused more than
anything else. Search for the best keywords, make use of them on proper
places with appropriate density, and correlate them to the quality of
your site. The quality of the content and keywords density should go
Never Be Offhand Of Keywords
Keywords are not to be focussed upon only during web designing or web
development, as most of the webmasters think. Once you have designed
your website, you need to have persistent check on the performance of
all your web pages. Track the general behaviour of visitors of your site
through website statistics. It will help you modify and replace the
keywords for the best results of search engine optimization. With the
help of website statistics select most appropriate keywords, and create
high-class content for your site for the purpose of reaching the desired
Content Keyword Stuffing
In the most recent past, the general behavior of the SEO experts was
to overload the content of the web pages with targeted keywords. This
tactic is no more fruitful now. The search engines don’t like the
websites which are overstuffed with the keywords. So, you need to be
more skilful in using the keywords and key phrases in your content.
Irrelevant Keywords
Introducing keywords whose counts for traffic are high but are not
significant part of the content of your site often harms the ranking of
your site on search engines, and by no means helps it. Try not to use
keywords that do not correspond with your content, and ensure that all
terms that are shown on the page give rise to your SEO task.
Use of Keywords in Image Content
When you post a picture to your website to use in your writing, you
normally have the choice of putting different written text for that
picture which is shown if a user cannot load your images in his browser.
This alternate text is very helpful for the search engine optimization
of your site. The text is included within the HTML and it is termed as