5 Ideas To Make The Best Productive Use Of Your Desktop
Get Things Done! 5 Ideas To Make The Best Productive Use Of Your Desktop
We have previously demonstrated what you can do to clean up your Windows desktop, how to create a minimalist desktop, and which wallpaper changers will spice up your desktop. Here I present a selection of wallpapers to go with a lean and productive desktop.
Section Your Productive Desktop
Maybe you are not a big fan of minimalism, but simply prefer to have shortcuts and store documents where you can access them most easily — on your desktop. Here is how you can keep doing that, while at the same time organizing the random mess.Idea: Use a wallpaper to create sections on your desktop.
Purpose: Organize your desktop and turn it into a useful and visually pleasing toolbox.
You can download an existing wallpaper, like the one from Market Wallpapers below. You will find similar wallpapers using the search term productivity. You can also create your own wallpaper with categories that meet your needs.
Freelance designer Mac Funamizu suggests placing only the most important and imminent files and folders on your desktop. He provides a wallpaper grid where the top right holds the most urgent and the bottom left is associated with low priority items.
David Fisco created a wallpaper with eight sections. An inbox for unprocessed icons on the left and the following categories towards its right: To Be Delegated, Waiting On, Calendar & Next Actions, Read/Watch/Listen, Icons to be filed, and finally System Icons.
Load Instructions Onto Your Desktop
At some point, everyone suffers from procrastination, i.e. not doing what you are supposed to do now. Social networks like Facebook, YouTube, or games are the most common time sinks and causes for procrastination while you’re on the computer. Maybe your wallpaper can help a little.Idea: Place tools and advice for fighting procrastination and distractions right onto your desktop.
Purpose: Help you stay on track with your work.
Alex Vermeer created a Guide for Defeating Procrastination, which you can download as a productive desktop wallpaper.
The Girl Who Was Plugged iN customized an image she discovered online to create a wallpaper with rules for a creative life. It serves as a wonderful reminder of what you should be doing, rather than to procrastinate.
The folks at MindMapArt created a Procrastination Buster Mind Map, which works great as a helpful wallpaper.
Is clearing your inbox your great challenge? Try the GTD Flow from ZenDone.
A great GTD Workflow wallpaper for getting projects done can be found on Market Wallpapers. Unfortunately, the original source (anabubula.com) no longer provides the image.
Let Your Desktop Motivate You
Most of us instinctively know what we need to do. What we really need is a reminder of why we are working so hard. What is our dream? What is it that keeps us going? What matters in life?Idea: Prep your desktop with motivational messages.
Purpose: Give yourself an encouraging nudge in the right direction and remind yourself of your dreams.
Always remember that you are the creator of your own destiny and…
…you are doing to succeed because…
…life is the sum of what you focus on and…
…obviously you are trying hard to focus on the right things!
Make Your Desktop A Relaxing Space
Some people don’t need all those supportive techniques and reminders because they are working too hard already. The workaholics among you should turn their desktop into a serene space, one that will help them relax for a brief moment, whenever they happen to come across it.Idea: Use the desktop as a reminder to do the things you forget in between all your work.
Purpose: Take a break, calm down, relax.
This Beach wallpaper is a great reminder to take a break and enjoy the outdoors.
Meditate is one of several simplified wallpapers from MinimalWall.
Nothing helps us to relax as well as the view of nature. Imagine the sound of water, the wind brushing across your skin, and the smell of grass.
Non Wallpaper Desktop Organizing
Do you love the idea of an organized desktop, but are not quite sold on the idea of using a wallpaper to do it? I hear you!Idea: Organize your desktop icons, but keep the wallpaper as is.
Purpose: An organized desktop with your favorite wallpaper/s in the background.
Recommended tool: If you’re happy with your current wallpaper and want to benefit from some automated structure, check out Fences. Fences is a Windows application that helps you efficiently manage your desktop icons by categories.
Your desktop isn’t wasted space. The cluttered mess can be turned into something wonderfully useful. whether you need a virtual kick in the butt, some guiding, or time to relax, your desktop can be a cue for many things.How do you use your desktop and what is your favorite wallpaper? Please share and allow us to learn something new!