10 Tips To Remain Safe From Password Hacking

10 Tips To Remain Safe From Password Hacking

Password is the code that we use to log in to any website. Now-a-days many people are using internet. They are signing up in many websites. Social websites are increasing day by day. So, more and more people are being the sufferer of password hacking.
Hackers are very clever now a days. They use several methods to hack your password. Key-loggers and Phishing web pages are created by them which are capable to threat you and steal your password. In this post, I will show you how to remain safe on internet by protecting your passwords. Just follow the simple rules discussed below:
1. Never use same passwords in every website. Use different passwords in different websites, such as, e-mail, Facebook, Twitter etc. If you use same password and one of your account is hacked, other accounts will also be hacked easily.
2. It is very difficult to remind all passwords. So, write down your passwords in a notebook or notepad and keep it in a safe place. It will make you safe from password hacking.
3. Use complex passwords. Never use simple passwords like 12345, 123123, abcdef, abc123 etc. You can use passwords like At#pSG*Wd or something like this. Also, keep at least 8 or more characters in your password.
4. Use special characters in your password like !@#$%^&* etc. It will make your password stronger.
5. Use mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters like AhUeLdWcbS etc.
6. Do not use any date, name or numbers that can be guessed easily by anyone. If you use APPLE as your password, anyone can try and hack your account.
7. In our day to day life, we register in a lot of websites for various purpose. Never use your e-mail passwords in these accounts. Try a new one.
8. Do not log in to your account from a different computer. If you go to a cyber cafe, change your password immediately after the browsing.
9. Use on screen keyboard to input your password. Key-loggers can mark your key pressing sequence. So, this may be a way of safety from password hacking.
10. Change your passwords frequently. Changing passwords at least once a month will keep you safe on internet.


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