Secret service codes for Nokia phone

Nokia used to be the world’s largest cell phone manufacturer. It has made millions of feature phone and Symbian Smartphone. Those phones vary greatly. Take Symbian phone as an example, Symbian OS has a few version, S60V2, S60V3, S60V5 and Symbian 3 etc. The former two come with a keyboard while the latter are touch phones. Because of that, Nokia phone service codes vary depending on your model. Below are the common codes which should apply to almost all models.
*#06# – Shows your IMEI number. As a matter of fact this code is universally used and applies to almost all other phones.
*#92702689# (*#WAR0ANTY#) – Shows warranty information. Note you need to turn off your phone and back on to exit it.
*#7370925538# (*#RES0WALLET#) – This code resets Nokia phone’s wallet code with wallet contents.
*#2820# (*#BTA0#) – It shows Bluetooth Address for Bluetooth enabled cell phones.
*#62209526# (*#MAC0WLAN#) – Shows WiFi MAC address for Nokia WLAN enabled mobile phones.
*#7780# (*#RST0#) – Normal reset, restore your cell phone to factory settings.
*#7370# (*#RES0#) – Deep reset, restore cell phone to factory settings and format all user data stored in memory. Remember to take out your MicroSD card first.
*#0000# – Shows your cell phone’s firmware version.
*3370# (*EFR0#) – Activates Enhanced Full Rate codec (EFR) (your cell phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced by approx. 5%).
#3370# (#EFR0#) – Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate codec (EFR).
*4720# (*HRA0#) – Activate Half Rate codec (your cell phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx. 30% more talk time).
#4720# (#HRA0#) – Deactivate the Half Rate codec.
*#67705646# (*#OPR0LOGO#) – Removes operator logo on some phones. May not work on other phones.
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